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Marin Addresses the Teen Mental Health Crisis
Mental illness has touched millions of people across the country. However, until very recently, its discussion in public circles has been...
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The Benefits of Harm Reduction
The years between the ages of 12 and 25 are often considered the “risk-taking years.” It is during this time when young people are...
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What Makes a Leader?
After eighteen years of being an active program, we have had hundreds of youth volunteers. Every year we welcome more whether they are...
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Has Decriminalizing Marijuana Worked?
Marijuana has undoubtedly experienced an image change as it is legalized in more places. Two out of three Americans support the...
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What is the Impact of Having a Juvenile Record?
While most people assume that a juvenile record simply disappears at the age of 18, in many areas of the country it can still be accessed...
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How Does Youth Civic Engagement Change History?
In the last decade, youth civic engagement has been on the rise. Registering to vote and being socially aware is something that the...
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In the Hands of Our Youth
Even before Youth Transforming Justice took on its current name, our nonprofit has always been one whose focus is on empowering youth....
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What Caused the School-to-Prison Pipeline?
School discipline and classroom management have been challenges as long as American schools have been established. As US schools began to...
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